
“Your soul can never lead you astray because it is where your blueprint and divine truth and purpose live. As such, it will forever walk you back to the home truths, which allow for your existential experience to prosper and bloom. We open the door to our own suffering and learning by way of karmic lessons when we follow outside dictates that are not grounded in our unique soul’s truth…As such, we become more rooted in following the path dictated by our souls, moving away from external instructions and comforts, which had us mesmerized by fool’s gold and convenient alliances. We come back into full access of our uniquely subjective experience of abundance and wealth. Your soul can never lead you astray. It is always guiding you to what will bring you absolute fulfillment on all planes of your existence. So allow the energies of the season to gift you back your true value system, and put to bed all worthless pursuits and fears that have cost you your integrity, divinity, beauty, stability, and worth.”

-Solarah Speaks



