
Useful quotes, terms, and links:

“Do not stop believing even if you see nothing.” (Cicero)

“All the filters and blocks and triggers we have were created by old trauma. Or maybe they were created by a program—one or the other.” (Honey Golden)

“The last and final reality and setting to shift is the material axis…It is important to know that what we practice repetitively has a direct effect on our energy fields, and the vibrations that are then established into the frequency we hold and embody. This is how and why ritualistically working with tools and energy, can have a profound way in shifting our realities on all planes. When I first realized this, I began to see myself as a computer and my own chief programmer. It gave me a sense of recovered agency, that I had lost to years, and possibly lifetimes, of abuse. I saw how I had been ritually programmed out of my truth, and so I could ritually program myself back into my true settings. A ritual, by the way, is anything we do repeatedly. A pattern. And anything we do repetitively has an effect on the settings of our energy fields across planes. Like we do daily reps of exercises for our bodies to maintain or acquire a certain function or aesthetic, we can also condition our energy bodies to hold the vibrational reality that establishes a higher or lower frequency. This means that we are able to calibrate our own electro-magnetic fields by dedicating ourselves to new ways of thinking, feeling, behaving, and connecting spiritually and emotionally. We are able to ask for the assistance of other spiritual forces in lending us their power to shift our energy fields to match what it is we desire to call in.” (Solarah)

“Everyone is ‘showing their asses’ left, right, and center right now…and it’s a beautiful thing. When masks are removed, we know exactly who and what we’re dealing with to make more informed choices as we move forward. Some will exit with grace, others will throw projections as the door is being closed, and others still will try to cling, or force their way back into your frequency because there is something they get from you that they don’t believe they are equipped to give to self. This isn’t true by the way—it’s their own perception of self, based upon another one of the false matrix’ devaluation programs. Every Taurus season, we are given an opportunity to raise or lower our value based upon our true estimation of self, our true soul needs—not the stories we tell and try to exhibit before others as a projection of how we want to be seen, but the true way we feel about our power, worth, and intrinsic value based upon the thoughts and feelings we are harboring internally.” (Solarah)

“The ego is a prickly little thing, with a hair-trigger reaction, ready to go off at a moment’s notice. It doesn’t have our true needs at heart. In contrast, the soul is like a wild animal—tough, resilient, savvy, self-sufficient, loving, and yet exceedingly shy.” (Amaya Pryce)

“Make sure, from now on, that anyone who comes as a potential receiver of your ocean of love be fully qualified. And come in reverence. Because the divine feminine is sacred. And someone is not to be trusted unless they prove that they are in alignment and they show up in reverence. And maybe with gifts and offerings. Show up. What do you have to give? What is your offering? You want some of this ocean? The goddess needs to demand and command reverence. Then she can share her ocean. Hold onto your treasures. Do not give them away to those who will mistreat them, reject them, are unworthy, or do not celebrate with the goddess. You can’t just steal her gifts and not celebrate with her. Learn how to first be your own ocean. The feminine has done so much work to claim back her energy. Now it’s time for the masculine.” (Adrienne Elise)

“We as the Divine Feminine need to get into our Queen energy, your power, your sovereignty. We want people in our lives who will go above and. beyond to be in our lives. People who want to be with you, stay with you, love you unconditionally and openly express that every single day. That’s the energy you want from your Divine Masculine…You want a man or a woman that is in their power. When you get into Soul anything is possible.” (Awakening Meraki)

“Everyone wants a powerful woman until you start dating her and realize you have to step your own shit up.” (Awakened Priestess Tarot)

“Avoidant, dismissive, withholding, hot and cold behavior is what the wounded masculine energy usually displays.” (Awakening Meraki)

A very clear and amusing visual on the generational difference between the wounded (Toxic) masculine and the Divine masculine

“People get stuck in their habitual yuck—its a familiar Stockholm syndrome—(can't leave their abusers; can’t break their codependencies and comforts with people)—it’s horrible but predictable. And there is some ‘comfort’ in the sickening, the common, the norm, the usual. May the scales drop from their eyes and may they learn to be free—really really free.” (YT comment)

“When you waver, you lose strength. When you truly love someone, that love is faithful and unwavering. It doesn’t get blown around by external winds of illusion. The biggest issue is believing that you are going to be let down. You will never create things of such magnitude as true love with your ego, or fear, so don’t allow your ego to be in control.” (Marla Kelly)

“In an interview out Monday, Jerry Seinfeld states, after years on TV, "[Making a movie] was totally new to me. I thought I had done some cool stuff, but it was nothing like the way these people work. They're so dead serious! They don't have any idea that the movie business is over. They have no idea. When asked what replaced movies, the comedian replied, ‘Depression? Malaise? I would say confusion. Disorientation replaced the movie business. Everyone I know in show business, every day, is going, 'What's going on? How do you do this? What are we supposed to do now?’ Seinfeld noted that he did not share this insight with the execs at Netflix: ‘I did not tell them that. But film doesn't occupy the pinnacle in the social, cultural hierarchy that it did for most of our lives. When a movie came out, if it was good, we all went to see it. We all discussed it. We quoted lines and scenes we liked. Now we're walking through a fire hose of water, just trying to see." (Msm.com) (Note: I address the question of what the century/era of movies meant to people in my book Time Tells. Now there is no sublimation. Art as sublimation is over and everyone is just swimming in themselves. That firehose of water is called social media and narcissism.)

The cult of the acronym: "Wifi password acronym." (Blaire White)

“The 8th house is the house of soulmates.” (Astrolada)

“Hollywood pedophiles have no where left to hide" (Mark Wahlberg)

The medical technocracy

Operation Lockstep

Operation Artichoke

Predictive programming for 9/11 (Paul Simon’s Graceland album came out in 1986)

Cringe cult (what the hell is wrong with everyone?! “Art” now is about being emotionally unstable and celebrating total mediocrity (Taylor Swift, in this case) and garbage music and then acting like it’s Mozart or the funeral of a loved one. These people are all so emotionally disregulated.)

Jonathan Haidt on parenting and anti-fragility. (Note: This is true even for adult relationships now. The minute you stand up for yourself, or have any standards and boundaries with anyone, you are bad, you are mean, you are discarded. Love and friendship now means enabling people, playing things safe, keeping your mouth shut, and that’s it.)

“The Washington version of Oscars” (Glenn Greenwald on the White House correspondent’s dinner and the lost ethos of journalism)

They will eventually be sued into oblivion.

Many chain pharmacies and clinics are closing.”

MP Andrew Bridgen: ‘I’m Afraid COVID vaccine deaths are going to be bigger than the Holocaust’

Remember when we called it the ‘clot shot’ and they called us conspiracy theorists?”

They are all guilty of crimes against humanity. They are the enemy. They will pay.”

Bombshell Study Finds 1 in 35 Moderna Booster Recipients Suffered Vaxx-Related Heart Damage.”



