Remember when Britney Spears started crying during her Diane Sawyer interview? Here famous breakdown happens @22 min. Many people have speculated that it was a glitch in her Monarch programming.
Celia Farber’s comment section on Rosie O’Donnell’s meth-addicted daughter.
Wonderland, 2003
The movie Wonderland, 2003. Phoenix Program in-operatives repurposed as drug operatives? The CIA’s Mkultra program had “hundreds of offshoots. One of the main core elements of MKultra was to create a Manchurian Candidate, who could kill somebody and not realize they were killing them,” explains David Whelan, who wrote, Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon. There were different CIA psyops and secret projects, not just the govt programmed assassin as “serial killer” psyop. Drug and sex trafficking—porn—was another part of it. This happened, in large part, through the psyop and building of the super-culture conglomeration. This included and fused mafia culture, celebrity/music culture, counter culture, student culture, the night clubs opening up in all the major cities (and where massive amounts of drugs were introduced and taken), and Wall Street. All the same thing pretending to be different things. The point was to flood drugs into everyday America and institutions. Into schools, into poor neighborhoods, into night culture, into Hollywood, into middle class homes. Think Tom O’Neill’s Chaos and Dave McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. Mass drug experiments first took place during WWI and WWII, in the military with soldiers, and of course in psych wards and the Rockefeller medical complex.
Interestingly, Wikipedia states that Porn “King,” John Holmes, from the Wonderland murders in Laurel Canyon, was, surprise surprise, an informant for the LAPD. Holmes’ porn character was a private eye, no less. He was never found guilty for participating in the murders.
Think LA Confidential meets the Manson Family.
21 years ago, while I was studying and living in London, I read an interview with the great filmmaker Alex Cox (Sid and Nancy, Repo Man, Walker). He was talking to Black Flag’s Henry Rollins, before Rollins turned into a full-time idiot. In it, Cox said that drugs always destroy every interesting person and movement, pacifying and neutralizing their subversive genius and power. This is done on purpose, he said, and this is what happened to Sid Vicious and many others. At that time, Cox was the only artist I had ever heard say anything critical about drugs, besides me, who was always anti-drugs, a total anathema and anomaly in the arts. In 2002, everyone in London was still doing coke like it was NYC in the 1980s. Every party I threw at my amazing Notting Hill mini-town house, during my second and third year in London, was always full of people standing on line to do coke in my bedroom. It drove me nuts. I would yell at everyone, telling them to get out of my room. I could never understand why everyone (save for less than a handful of people I have met in my life) did drugs, or why every creative and successful person always ended up with a drug problem, why child actors became drug addicts, why everyone went down the drug path at some point or another. None of it ever made sense to me, or felt organic. I never understood the appeal of drugs. It always felt dark to me. Now we know it was not organic. It was by design. As Kirby Sommers put it, “Drugs are used to control actors, musicians, writers. This leads back to the CIA.” Drugs are a form of Mkultra, especially when they are '“prescribed.” Stoned people and drug addicts are much easier to manipulate and control. The same kinds of traumas produce the same kinds thinking and behavior, the same kind of suffering, the same kinds of addictions, the same kinds of escape. There is no difference between street drugs and medically prescribed drugs. We should know this by now from actors and musicians who are all prescription drug junkies (Judy Garland, Winona Ryder, Matthew Perry, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, etc. The list is endless) and from the COVID death cult. Both are designed to shut you up, break you down, program you, and kill you. Drugs as cult programing, as false rebellion, as false freedom, as false cure. False higher consciousness. And who better to do the work of cult programming and false consciousness than false matrix idols and fake authorities, who are now everywhere and have infiltrated every area of life?