Pete Davidson, who is both heavily tattooed and heavily mind controlled (remember his romantic stint with Kim Kardashian that resulted with him in a rehab/mental institution?), is apparently trying to remove some of the Mkultra Monarch programming from his body.
No longer a human bar code or garbage can.
The tattoo craze that plagues our society now is what I would call aesthetic psychosis and somatic dissociation. Everyone suffers from metaphysical incoherence. They can’t explain anything, they can’t understand anything, they can’t remember anything, they are slaves to programmed norms, ideologies, and trends. They are torn asunder.
Social media’s mass-MKultra indoctrination psyops have visibly deranged (etymologically deranged also means “out of order”) people, in every way. I see and hear the effects every single day. Social media is the perfect instrument for the conflation of what the Collins Brothers (Paul and Phillip) refer to as “the conflation of psychosis with liberation.” Or, as the astrologer ElsaElsa put it, “You can be in bliss in your psychosis.”
I’d also call it the fetishization of incoherence: Nothing goes together. Nothing makes sense. And that’s just the way they like it. This chaos and incoherence is in itself is a form of Monarch programming that encourages more dissociation.
In his brilliant sermon, “Good and Evil,” from his “Life is Worth Living” series, Archbishop and theologian Fulton J. Sheen, opens by stating that no one starts out an atheist, no one starts out a skeptic. No one starts out out of order: “That is to say, one who doubts the possibility of ever discovering truth. These attitudes are made. And they are made less by the way one thinks than by the way one lives. We do not live as we think. We soon begin to think as we live. We suit our philosophy to our actions.”
Supermarket pic. Over and over the same stories are coming out about celebrities escaping cults. But what about the biggest Super cult of them all—Hollywood? They all stay in that one.