“The main reason I’m doing a post about Zuckerberg’s appearance on Joe Rogan, saying the Biden administration pushed hard, even ‘screamed'‘ at his staff to hard-censor all non party line content about Covid, even memes, is that I’d like to re-frame it a little.
It’s outrageous, sure, but that’s also why it’s such a victory.
People are reacting to it as though our imperative is to assess what Zuckerberg is motivated by, what he really thinks, or how phony and self-serving, exactly, he is.
It’s what Lynn Margulis would have called ‘People Magazine stuff.’
Zuckerberg’s ‘journey’ aside, this event is a clear victory, and to some extent people are refusing to take yes for an answer, by getting muddled up in questions of whether to “trust” his attempted and rather desperate re-brand. Take it instead, as a concession to the death-plummet of the censorship ghouls he was always in lockstep with.
He’s auditioning, obviously, to be seen as another champion of free speech, to rid himself of his ghastly record of deadly Covid censorship and treasonous election meddling. He now wants his name, brand and company to be free of the Biden-Harris-EU-Gates censorship and tyranny stench. Maybe he wants to suck up to Trump-Musk. Maybe he wants some kind of amnesty. Maybe he just wants to be seen as cool. Those are lesser concerns.”
-Celia Farber, “The Emperors Have No Clothes, They're All Lost, Having Invested In A Ghost Ship Of Content Control That Is Now Sinking, As They Jump.”
*I’ve been wanting to post about Zuckerberg 2.0 for months—how different he looks now! Like a completely different person. The life is back in his famously cold dead eyes and pale skin. Do you think it’s the same person? I don’t. As Celia Farber notes in her post, he is still bland and boring, algorithm-as-person, but he doesn’t look soulless anymore, or traumatized. If this isn’t a clone, there is also the possibility that the Mkultra mind control broke. Or was the other automaton Zuckerberg of the mid-aughts a clone of the original DARPA-boy recruit? The cute boyish face of Facebook. The Face of Meta. Who are these people really, and where do they really come from? Everyone is an actor. Everything is a movie. Either way, whoever this new guy is, the demonic has left his body. At least by the looks of it. We are definitely watching a movie full of sequels…and plot twists.