
Dr. Robert Malone:

"It's the horizontal integration across all major industries now under the control of common funds. The harmonization of the tech censorship, the interests of pharma, big media, and governments, are all being harmonized in their messaging globally....The same playbook is going on every continent... We're in an environment in which truth and consequences are fungible. This is modern media management and warfare."

Watch Joe Rogan's interview with Dr. Malone before YT takes it down

Malone's interview makes clear that even if you are lucky enough to not suffer adverse effects or die from the vaccine, with each new shot you are creating an increasingly dysfunctional immune system (versus what Malone calls "immunologically naive") that is now addicted to and reprogrammed by the vaccine, which is a gene therapy. He also makes clear that Omnicron is a vaccine-induced variant and as Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid points out, "Why do the injected seem more susceptible to a heavily mutated variant than the uninjected? Doesn’t that seem like something they might want to figure out?...It’s nice when you are completely unaccountable and can change the rules whenever you want. Nice and convenient." Childers is referring to the CDC.

As Celia Farber writes in her post on Peter Duesberg: "The greatest form of respect is to listen to another’s story, just to know it and care."

To that end, Rogan is the best and fairest public listener we have right now.

That found photo Farber plans to use for her out-of-print book made me teary. It reminds of me of the people I grew up with (my parent's friends): romantic and real and complicated. Fun. Looking at the stars with their glasses of wine instead of themselves on their phones.

Voices carry

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, truth seeker, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



