
Please sign this very important and needed much petition

"The fact is you are either for politicians, elites, and large technology companies dictating what you can and can not have the right to consider when making decisions, or you support the idea of being able to consider opinions from all ends of the spectrum in order to make your personal decisions."

The liberal corporate elite is now officially the Sadist Class.

Glenn Greenwald calls it "the religion of Liberals"

Matt Taibbi calls it "the Scolding Class"

I call it power lust and control fetishism.

Ultimately, as my mother often says, so-called politics and stances almost always boil down to narcissism. People are simply on whatever "side" serves them (in their open letter/manifesto posted on January 26, "Society Has a Trust Problem," Substack's editors declared: "In the online Thunderdome, it is imperative that you are not seen to engage with ideas from the wrong group; on the contrary, you are expected to marshall whatever power is at your disposal – be it cultural, political, or technological – to silence their arguments."). To think you're always right, and to punish, bully, and harass anyone who objects to your monopoly on rightness, is megalomaniacal and corrupt. It is NOT normal--or just--even if you think your politics are necessary and correct. You corrupt even good intentions and views this way. You corrupt trust. Form is everything. Enslaving others to free yourself and your agenda is evil. Those poll results that Greenwald lists in his article made me physically sick. Talk about being MK fucking Ultra-d. We're really in the trenches of darkness, deception, and conformity (as Greenwald puts it: "The power to silence others is intoxicating"). It seems like almost everyone has sold their mind, their heart, and their soul to this new epoch. Including the artists. Maybe the COVID regime has just exposed everyone for who they really are. Now we know. The great and good Catherine Austin Fitts tells a similar story here about a colleague, who told her that he is very enthusiastic about 2022 because for the first time in his life he "can see who is who."

As Celia Farber reminds us:

”The spirit of liberty is the spirit that is never too sure that it is right.”

-Justice Learned Hand



