
"It also implies that something is … well … OFF with American mask lovers: 'In other countries, mask mandates have been imposed and lifted with little or no rancor.”

Yes, there is something very "off" indeed. By the grace of God, Hochul finally lifted her mask mandate in NY 2 days ago. Did New Yorkers celebrate? (I wanted to get drunk at a bar), or stop wearing their masks everywhere? No, everyone is still masked on the street and on their bicycles and in their cars. Little kids still play in masks on park playgrounds with their maskless parents and babysitters after being masked all day at school. Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny spring-like day. Did people take advantage and bask in the sunshine for a dose of Vit D? No, they covered their entire faces and kept their heads down. John Perry Barlow's (via Edward Snowden) great observation comes to mind again: "You can't awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep." Nor can you liberate people who like being enslaved.

"It happened forever/for a short time"



