
It's been a hard week. I barely slept last night. I'm feeling very low right now. I am worried and angry and fed up and tired. I need a break. Things are bad in New York with laws like these that are being illegally and relentlessly mandated by bypassing legislation. Only a week ago, Supreme Court Judge Thomas Judge Rademaker overruled Gov Hochul's mask mandate for being unconstitutional and against State Law. It lasted for a day. The UK and other cities and States have cancelled the mandates, masks, and even the passports. Yet in NYC the mandates are being accelerated after two years. And then there's this.

It's unbearable. I am trying to get out of New York, but it's not easy. The past two years have been nothing but loss. We've seen the total erosion of democracy on all possible fronts. It hurts to think about what's been done. To everyone. Even if they tell themselves they're fine with it. It's not fine. It has set pure destruction, tyranny, and capture into motion.

I don't have the strength to say much more tonight. If anyone is reading these daily posts, and has any kind words, please send me them my way. I need it and I'd like to hear it and I welcome it always.

I'll end with this.

Shoshana Zuboff on the birth of surveillance capitalism:

"Even as early as 2002, It was not users searching Google, it was Google searching users...This is the birthplace of the artificial intelligence as it is currently used today...Secretly, they invaded and extracted aspects of human experience that everyone believed were private...This new institutional order has always been and is now on a collision course with democracy."



