
Celia Farber: "I believe we are dealing with a 'bioweapon' which is chemical and electromagnetic in nature, as well as, more importantly, deep sorcery."

Clif High, a data mining expert (and political clairvoyant in my eyes), was saying this weeks ago. Now it's spreading on Twitter (I learned this via Coffee & Cigarettes since I'm not on Twitter).

As High points out here, with a nod to Baudrillard's postmodern predictions regarding the system of systems, "It's all about the money...They used to use wars. This time they chose to do it with a pandemic." High gives me a lot of hope and his forecasts are always spot on.

It's a mise en abyme of patsies. Someone behind someone behind someone. There is no way to wrap our brains around the lie of this world. Has it been a lie from the beginning? I've have this theory that they used to deceive us with high caliber. The quality of demoralization had to be high so it couldn't look like demoralization, as Yuri Bezmenov has pointed out. That was the great trick of the centuries and it peaked in the 20th. There are many reasons for this. A lot of it was timing. They got lucky. The best minds were deployed. It was the era of art. The epochs of discovery. They couldn't ruin everything just any old way, so they corrupted the best and the brightest, who in turn corrupted the best and the brightest. And on and on it went. But that kind of halcyon couldn't last forever. Now they cut to the chase. Now the liars and monsters are hacks. They can't turn their coal into diamonds. Watching the new Cosby documentary the other night made me think a lot about that. The facade of the beauty and purity and closeness and warmth of the Cosby show (a show I loved growing up; Clare and Cliff's relationship always reminded me so much of of my parents) hiding so much unfathomable darkness. It is heart breaking to be deceived, especially by fictions. Nietzsche always said that the fiction is truthful. So it's wrong to say it doesn't matter who an actor really is. Today they give us fast food deception. Fast food news and entertainment. Fast food life. Fast food crime. Fast food tragedy. Which is why all of the "art" and music and cinema is so bad now. They know there's no demand for caliber anymore. No one even knows what that is anymore and they've eliminated the people who did know, or those people have passed. So they don't bother with real talent. They don't bother with intelligence or integrity or discernment. The good news is: if we want it, we can begin a life of truth after all this crumbles. Maybe we don't need art or culture or sublimation anymore to make things beautiful and truthful. To commit all that life has to offer to memory. Maybe we just need a real love of life this time.

The end has no end.



