
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, mine is on the 31st. Last night I looked up Michael Imperioli's birthchart on Astrotheme. He's an Aries sun/Virgo rising, Gemini midheaven, like me.

This is probably boring, but allow me to geek out for a bit. Some readers have speculated about my chart online. So here we go. His moon is in Taurus (no wonder, it's a gorgeous moon sign)/9th house, my moon is in Aries/8th house, so is my sun. Mercury is his ruler, but his Mercury is in Pisces in the 7th house. Mercury is also my ruler, but mine is in Aries/8th house (I have an 8th house stellium. It's a lot! My Chiron is also there and a million asteroids). His Mars is in Aries, which explains some of the hotness, fieriness, volatility, and intensity, especially as Christopher in The Sopranos. But he also has Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces/7th house, which is probably why he's been with his wife since he was in his mid-20s (<3). I have an exalted Venus in Pisces in my 7th house. His North Node is in Taurus/9th house, my North Node is in Scorpio/3rd house (conjunct Uranus. South Node is in Taurus in my 9th house, alongside my Jupiter in Taurus/9th house). His Pluto is in his 12th house. We're opposite but similar. I love Scorpio-Virgo heavy people. Always. It's a theme in my life--all the artists, singers, actors I like have this combination. But you need that earthy, practical, attentive Virgo energy to guide and tone all that Scorpio energy. It's too much otherwise. Too intense, too dark.

Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine war:

"Everything is badly in need of overhaul."

Mark Crispin Miller on Critical Being in the Time of COVID

Naomi Wolf interviews former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, who explains bombshell "fraud" charge re Pfizer hiding deaths data. It's astonishing that Dowd's investigative exposure hasn't blown the whole thing out of the water and put everyone responsible in jail.

Dowd: "The proof of the fraud is showing up in real-life results....The cat is out of the bag."

It's so moving when Wolf and Dowd get choked up at the end of the interview, both stating they feel called by God to tell the truth. I love when she tells him, "I believe you."

"We're looking at a professional liar." Analysis of the body language of Hunter Biden, tapped in April 2021. The truth tellers are called liars and the liars are asked to give truthful testimonies. It's laughable. I can't even look at these degenerates anymore. They have ruined the world for centuries. Enough.

Coffee & COVID, March 21, 2022:

"Now, I’ve been warning against these 'experts' since early in the pandemic, and I have the receipts, because it’s all there in my daily blogs. Folks, we’re just getting started with these confessions. A lot of deluded academics are starting to wake up and are going to be writing about it, to try to claw back their respectability and purge their guilty consciences. Just wait. You thought “expertise” was already dead? It’s only comatose. There’s a LOT of dying left to do."

Lastly, I want to thank all the people I don't know who write me emails. They are lifelines and I appreciate every single letter and gesture.

This song goes out to you.



