
The wonderful Film Desk Books, which will soon be selling film posters as well, has some of my books in their excellent catalogue--a thrill for me, as I am a great admirer of their publishing ethic/aesthetic. They're a great NYC-based film press and film site, with exquisite books, so please subscribe to their mailing list and support them.

Coffee & COVID, March 25:

"Nigeria, with only 4.4% fully jabbed out of its 206 million people, reported zero deaths and only 87 cases this week. Weird. Wouldn’t it be great to have a well-funded government health agency that could investigate stuff like this and figure out how the clever Nigerians are avoiding stealth Omicron? Maybe we’ll have something like that someday.

Later, at his own press conference, Joe Biden warned sternly that the Russia sanctions are producing worldwide food shortages, but don’t worry, it’s totally worth it. 'With regard to food shortages … it’s going to be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.'

It’s okay, we all needed to lose a few pounds anyways, right? Biden just announced food shortages that are going to affect the U.S. as a result of BIDEN’S sanctions. The sanctions that weren’t voted on by Congress? Am I allowed to ask if we can vote on this first?

Biden says that worldwide food shortages are just 'the price of these sanctions.' In other words, we’re buying the sanctions with food shortages. If the First World experiences food shortages, what happens in the Third World? The implication is that mass starvation is an acceptable trade off to get Russian out of Ukraine. But why?

Then, a reporter asked Biden this question: 'Sir, deterrence didn’t work. What makes you think Vladimir Putin will alter course based on the action you’ve taken today?'

Biden answered: 'I did not say that in fact the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter.'

Sanctions never deter?? Wait. Just wait. First, for weeks Biden has been telling us that we HAD to do sanctions — to deter Russia. That’s what he SAID. And next, if Biden is saying that sanctions never deter, then exactly what are the sanctions FOR? Who are they punishing with worldwide food shortages that are the price of sanctions? Because if they’re not punishing Russia, then they’re just punishing US. Why? WE didn’t invade Ukraine."

The United States of 24/7 Gaslighting

"Twitter is now more important than the journalistic outlets."

Welcome to America, where no one ever says they're sorry or wrong Via Matt Taibbi.

The booming blood industry, aka actual vampirism. Illuminati and big-tech drinking blood to stay young, to live forever, is no longer "just" a crazy conspiracy theory, I guess? "Golden liquid"? And "Big pharma is particularly interested in the blood of the young." America is a moral sewer. The actual vampire of the world. "All of our lives we have been parasitzed." (Cliff High on the Federal Reserve). "The Matrix is the world pulled over our eyes." (Morpheus).



