
“The entire world is a facade. Turn over any healthy looking rock in this forest of total corruption and you will find the squirming, wriggling, maggot infested truth blearing its alien eyes, shrieking & recoiling from the light pouring in from then sun.

The only way out of this is to dismantle and rebuild the system from scratch because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else - it can only be destroyed, its members injected in prison, and then rebuilt with the hard-earned wisdom from lessons learned”

-TriTorch’s comment on Celia Farber’s Substack post on the WHO.

*The Truman Show, 1998. The Truman Show is the ultimate example of the Revelation of the Method and the deep politics collusion between Hollywood, the media, the surveillance apparatus (a “set” is a control grid that includes weather manipulation, HAARP)), and the secret intelligence agencies. The Truman Show even has disclosure about the use of crisis actors in narrative psyops and media hoaxes (aka mass shootings and staged media events. What Trump always refers to as “central casting.”). Truman’s dead dad, an actor who pretended to drown in a sailing accident when Truman was a little boy, also plays a homeless man, who Truman recognizes on the street (a film set locked inside a giant dome, unbeknownst to him) 30 yrs later. The mainstream media quickly spins this accidental encounter into a story on the epidemic of the homeless. in Seahaven Island, the fake town Truman lives in. If I were still teaching, I would pair The Truman Show with Richard Linklater’s pretentious and just as fake, Boyhood (2014), and also Enemy of the State (1998) for context. Parts of The Truman Show, when Truman starts getting paranoid and putting two and two together, reminded me of Coppola’s The Conversation (1974). There is a lot of reference to twins and dopplegangers—people repeating in different guises and roles—in The Truman Show. If the whole world is “counterfeit,” and everyone (except for Sylvia, whose alias or role is a college student named “Lauren”) is an actor playing an insincere part in the Movie that is Truman’s life, what is genuine? What is real? That is the big question for this movie and for this Matrix existence that is finally breaking open. It takes Truman decades to get it, decades to figure it out, decades to wake up. But inside he’s always known. Love is a big piece of unraveling the puzzle. It always is. It is difficult to wake up when everyone around you wants you asleep. "Anyone who awakens is delivered into a world at war.” (Conspiracist Manifesto, Semiotexte, 2023).

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, truth seeker, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



