
Coffee & Covid, April 16, 2022:

"First, and least significant, because we all knew it anyway, is that at minimum [Elon] Musk has exposed the charade that is Twitter. It isn’t a private company anymore. It’s an arm of the federal government and a tool that the government is using for some very important purpose. My guess is that purpose is 'controlling the narrative.'...Here’s our REAL problem: government has now become a surer path to wealth than private enterprise in this country. You could throw a bunch of examples in here too. Biden, Clinton, Obama, Fauci, Peter Daszak, and more. All folks who got rich through government. Even lots of billionaires. What did Bill Gates leave Microsoft to do? Invest in politics. What’s George Soros up to? Investing in politics, all over the place. Which of these guarantees you a swankier vacation: an invitation to the Cannes film festival, or an invitation to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland? Find me an example of a posher time than an invite to the WEF, I dare you. Recently I reported that Los Angeles protested our new law protecting kids by cancelling all their employees’ 'conferences' in Florida. Those weren’t conferences. They were taxpayer-financed vacations for people who could never have afforded it outside of government. Those of us in private life don’t get benefits like that. We pay for them instead. You’re welcome!...The government has itself become a market. And that’s our problem. It’s all about the money. It’s grift, top to bottom. Grift connects Hunter Biden to Merrick Garland, both grifters. It’s why government keeps getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster. It’s why big corporations have such an intimate relationship with the federal government — that’s where all the money is. The bigger government gets, the more folks decide they also want a piece of the action, which then makes government bigger, ad infinitum."

Max Blumenthal:

"Google, which is a contra-intelligence military industrial complex contractor, has been called in to prevent any questioning of the official narrative under the grounds of preventing victim blaming, which shows that [the US] has clearly taken a side in this conflict."

In a later segment of the show, Blumenthal asks Dore: "When you got Covid, didn't it feel digital? It felt unlike any other virus I ever contracted. It was completely unusual. There was a sort of digital feeling. I don't know how else to put it."

I love that he says that. Blumenthal knows (feels) the difference between flesh and blood and AI. We should all strive to know--and hold onto--that difference.



