
"You can't see beyond your own sensory system."

I like this statement because sensor is a homonym for censor.

So: You can't see beyond your own censory system.

Brand can annoy me--he's too manic and fast, plays Devil's advocate too much, and he can be wishy washy. Some people think he may be controlled opposition, but he is spot on here.

I hate not knowing anyone's true intent. I don't think there is anything that is more important to me.


"You either believe in freedom of speech, the right to dissent, and truth or you don't. This is why we need principles that are immutable. Principles that are reliable. Then you'll know how to approach the subject of war. Then you'll know how to approach the subject of regulation and legislation in a pandemic. Then you'll know about surveillance and free speech. Kindness, fairness, other people's free speech, community, democracy, manageable power, access to power."

Remembering what a female acquaintance said years ago, in a bar, while we talked about the courage that true love requires:

"Accept what you really want. There will be consequences."

Deleuze: "Either ethics makes no sense at all, or this is what it means and has nothing else to say: not to be unworthy of what happens to us."



