
YouTube has the audacity to post a conspiracy theory disclaimer under someone's video excerpt of George Carlin's standup bit about the New World Order after all our politicians--Biden included--and the WEF themselves have started openly using the term, brandishing it all over the media recently, like a threat. The jig is up, monsters. We're well past it being a "conspiracy." Carlin doesn't even use the term in his standup, it's the YouTuber's descriptor and interpretation--which makes YouTube's disclaimer even more telling. And we're not a totalitarian regime? Are you sure about that? Even though free speech is constantly being censored and we now have conspiracy disclaimers for 20 year old HBO comedy specials by revered comedians? Everything that has been labeled and dismissed as "misinformation" and "conspiracy theory" by the corporate media/government the past 2-5 years has been proven true. It happens on a daily basis now. As Cliff High recently put it, "We're in the secrets revealed" phase. Yet the big-tech overlords and thought police continue to mediate and control all of our news and internet platforms. So: comedy needs a fucking warning label, the truth is retroactively cancelled, and globalist technocrats have appointed themselves experts in culture, humor, and history.

-Jeffrey Childers of Coffee & COVID, April 7, 2022 on "Putin and Xi Exposed the Great Illusion of Capitalism".

"The authors’ main political argument was that America is now in a position where it has to save the world from a massive geopolitical realignment. But the article admits Biden’s presidency has been 'less-than-stellar thus far.' You don’t say. The paper complains that 'One of the great problems with modern liberalism for the past few decades has been its lack of a gripping narrative and a compelling cast of heroes and villains.' In other words, the psyops aren’t working. How about instead of worrying about narratives and heroes and villains you come up with some helpful POLICY? Is that too much to ask?

Authors Micklethwait and Wooldridge hope that Russia will become a compelling villain, the Ukraine conflict will become a 'gripping narrative,' and this will all somehow give modern liberalism a long-overdue boost, like a political vaccination or something, which will race to the rescue of the New World Order.

The article even uses the words, 'new world order.' They aren’t trying to hide it at all.

The bottom line is the op-ed is an extended argument, citing loopy economist J. M. Keynes of all people, advocating for a giant America-last trade deal with Europe and China, because security, to resolve The War and all these problems. No thank you! But it’s something to keep a steely eagle eye on, to make sure these maniacs never get any traction."

Julian Assange: "People have to be lied into war."



