David Lynch:
“I learned that just beneath the surface there’s another world, and still different worlds as you dig deeper.”
David Lynch:
“It’s a world of clues. A world of mystery, but the mystery can get solved. You can find a lot of these answers for a lot of these things within…Intuition is the thing. Intuition is higher than the intellect. It’s a flowing of knowingness.”
Blue Velvet, 1986:
“I’m seeing something that was always hidden.”
Daisy Phillipson, An Occultist’s Guide to David Lynch’s Blue Velvet:
“In investigating the opening scenes within this context, the plot reveals itself as more than a commentary on good versus evil; the infiltration of esoteric imagery seems to suggest a secretive force governing the modern world out of public view. Note the seemingly innocent fireman holding his left hand downwards, his right pointed towards the sky as he waves, the red truck and black-and-white Dalmatian beside him indicating the colour palette of satanic ritualism.”
Opening scene of Blue Velvet, 1986
The (imaginary?) red & white bathroom in The Shining, 1980
The opening seconds of A Clockwork Orange, 1971. The red title card appears for 25 seconds until the white Warner Brother logo/credits appears onscreen.
On his blog, Robert Phoenix writes that red symbolizes blood and bloodlines.
I took this photo on the street in Soho, NYC, in November, 2023. It is the red “Slash Bag” purse featured in the Alexander McQueen/Kaia Kiber fashion campaign that was all over the City. It features an AI clone of Kieber, who falls in love with her replica. Not a surprise given our culture of toxic individuality and narcissism.
Super Bowl, Half Time show, 2023. It’s very significant that Rhianna performed this pregnant. And the prosthetic breasts, worn on the outside, is transhumanist. She is the Red Hive Queen, the dancers in white are the unisex sperm. It reminds me of Michael Jackson’s technofascist Super Bowl performance in 1993, except this is even more high-tech and automized. Are these people human anymore? I don’t think so.
Rhianna's pyramid--diamond—symbol (her song Diamond—Dy-mind. Two minds. Split mind. "Shine bright like a diamond.").
The 2023 Grammys, which I wrote about here.
What was hidden is now visible.
Taylor Swift, jewelry line. All snakes.