
Coffee & Covid, May 12, 2022:

"[President] Biden announced yesterday that — Ta-Da! — his federal government is now going to give everyone free internet, up to $30/month. Wheee! Free stuff! The plan’s details suggest the federal government is going to pay cable providers to deliver basic high-speed packages to low income households, for free. Low income is defined as “below 200% of the federal poverty line.”

President Biden
Today, we’re launching a program that allows millions of American families to get high-speed internet for free. To learn if you qualify, head to GetInternet.gov
May 9th 2022

I know what you’re thinking, but this is nothing new. The Roman Emperors did the same kind of thing to keep people happy and distracted. That’s where “bread and circuses” came from, not to mention the Coliseum, the building of which required looting the entire city of Jerusalem and tearing down its Temple.

Basically, you can’t afford to go on vacation anymore, but here’s some internet to keep you entertained. You can watch other people go on vacation."



