
As always, the bullies, liars, and authoritarians are presented as victims. They are what Julie Burchill calls the "Cry-Bully".

These people never cease to amaze me. This regime is like trying to swat flies off shit. At least now we're swatting?

Are we supposed to feel sorry for people who are trying to ruin our lives and oppress us?

Be careful. They are all doing the same thing. So watch, listen and learn.

There is an enormous difference between ethics and wokeness. Does anyone know what it is, or care?

Ethics is everything. Everything you do matters.

I love hearing the always clear and composed Glenn Greenwald curse and rant.

And some good news regarding the WHO's new pandemic treaty via Coffee and COVID, May 24, 2022:

"Looks like all the attention on the WHO’s pandemic treaty amendments has borne some nice fruit. Yesterday, several Substacks reported that '12 of the 13 proposed [WHO] amendments had been removed from consideration because the working group [for Pandemic Response] was ‘unable to reach a consensus." We’ll see how it plays out this week, but this is a great sign. Keep the pressure on."

Taking down the WHO would deal a disastrous blow to the globalist agenda. The WEF and UN should be next. So please sign The World Freedom Declaration, which is sponsored by Leslie Manookian’s Health Freedom Defense Fund and opposes the WHO's proposed amendments.

"Idle talk
And hollow promises
Cheating Judases
Doubting Thomases"



