
Coffee and Covid on Justin Bieber's continuous health decline and the rise of the made-up SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or as it is also being described, a “diagnosis of nothing.”), which covers up the growing vaccine-induced deaths and disabilities amongst young people. What a nightmare that's just beginning--to die young, for "no reason," "suddenly," and from "nothing." This is our chance for justice. But how badly do we want our careers and approval ratings? More than we want our lives?

"Honestly, it’s perfectly tragic that we’re all playing this 'sudden and mysterious disease' game to avoid placing blame where everyone knows it should go, because if we could be honest, Justin [Biber] might be able to get treated for the real cause of his injuries instead of becoming a play actor in a little medical show designed to protect big pharma profits, pretend treatments that will ultimately fail to heal him because they are treating the WRONG THING. I think Justin knows. He can’t say it’s the jab, because that would end his career. But he’s showing everyone exactly what’s happening, and he’s NOT saying it ISN’T the jab. His silence about that speaks louder than words. Young people who don’t follow the news are getting an education.

Here’s a list of four things that unvaccinated, metabolically healthy people DO NOT need to worry about:

- Heart issues

- Blood clots

- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

- covid

And here’s a different list of things that otherwise healthy jabbed people ARE worried about:

- Heart issues

- Blood clots

- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

- covid"

Read full post HERE



