
Josh Slocum on the Cluster-B world. Personality disorders as Culture. Culture as bi-polar disorder. Been saying this shit for 15 years. The chickens are coming home to roost.

The new authoritarianism of the Covid-regime could not have happened without first creating a mass Cluster-B emotionally deregulated population via social media and the internet. You need a histrionic culture in order to create a histrionic "pandemic response."


"Authoritarianism, monitoring other people's emotions and decisions and choices to make sure that they line up with yours. This isn't new. In fact, these kinds of people, and these kinds of psychological states, have been written about for thousands of years--the ancients knew who these people were. I think they are reflected in our mythology: the vampires, the unquiet dead, the succubus. A lot of these can be read as allegories for these kinds of exploitative people. You will often see narcissistic people, particularly the seductive--maybe sexually, maybe not sexually--but very seductive and charismatic, narcissistic people, are often described as emotional vampires. And it's a really great metaphor because that's what it feels like. It feels like your emotional energy is being sucked out of you and brought into someone else....The same abusive tactics that I knew at home, I'm seeing in my friend circles, I'm seeing in the democratic voter political circles that I'm talking about...In the Western world, on the Left right now, it looks like it has a really bad case of Cluster-B personality disorder."



