“Kenneth Anger’s films predict a coming Satanic aeon. In Anger’s Hollywood Babylon, the new Babylonian age is inaugurated by Hollywood. Hollywood is the pleasure dome, and America will be the means by which this pleasure dome is extended to the rest of the world…People like Bertrand Russell, like HG Wells, people like Aldous Huxley, had already determined that the cultural revolution would in fact be Satanic and it would be a reversal of all the previous traditional world views. The new Satanic aeon would include the idea of transhumanism, gnosticism, and inversion…In a sense, black magic would become real and it would be mixed with science.”
-Jay Dyer
1972, Lucifer is spelled in rainbow colors
Kenneth Anger, Lucifer jacket, 1972
Target, Pride children’s apparel, 2023. Illuminati triangle/all seeing eye, Ouija board planchette, two crescent moons (one for each hand of Baphomet), skeleton hand.
NYC, Battery Park City, June 2023
Simon & Schuster, NYC
Battery Park City, NYC (July), Pride as permanent fixtures
Rockefeller Plaza, NYC
McDonald’s, 23rd Street, NYC. Two cabals join forces
An oldie but a goodie
Citibank, Greenwich Street. Rainbow finance.
Writing about the freemasonic symbolism in Madonna’s 2012 halftime Super Bowl show, astrologer, music critic, and blogger Robert Phoenix, who calls these media events, “megaspells,” wrote: “The thing that has really struck me is how common this symbolism is now. As Michael Hoffman has stated previously in his ‘revelation of the method,’ we are being initiated into this symbolic realm, purposefully, full on now. Its one thing to be aware of the symbols–-its an entirely different matter to see them as part of a process of subtle initiation. There’s noticing and then there’s the noticing of the noticing.”
Monarch mind control deprogrammer, Gina Phillips, says that “The Super Bowl is an activation event. In an activation event, you’re mobilizing the programming, switching it up, and lining it up for massive groups of people.”
These concerts are “global occult initiations,” or as Hoffman would say, “alchemical psychodramas.”
Beyonce, the High Priestess Mother, Beyonce’s 2023 Renaissance tour footage is blatantly cyborg-occult. The music concert has become an alchemical Satanic initiation ritual for the masses. It serves no longer serves any other function except to en-trance and initiate. They’re no longer hiding, sublimating, or diluting with personal sensibilities, talent or art. Beyonce’s “motherhood” symbols brings to mind a lot of the Starseed birth imagery Kubrick introduced in 2001 (1968). In the images below, Beyonce’s stomach is the world. Similarly, fans who have been attending the new Taylor Swift “Eras Tour,” have reported having amnesia after going to her concerts, which doctors have bizarrely confirmed as real. Attendees claim to not remember anything about Swift’s show.
The symbol of the eternal circle is an occult portal and appears throughout the concert. The entire stage is designed as a circle as well.
Bathed in Satanic red, as always the case these days. With Mkultra, there are always doubles and mirrors.
Beyonce-bot initiation portal. Look closely at the imagery (which of course most concert-goers do not do)—Beyonce is handcuffed and chained with ropes and reptilean tentacles, evoking transhumanist bondage/slavery. This thing draped over the globe is not human.
In the final image, Beyonce flashes her usual Baphomet hand symbol. One (cyborg) eye is covered, as always. Here we have transhumanist Motherhood/Motherboard demonology. Eye of Horus is her New World belly. When bell hooks called Beyonce a terrorist at a talk at the New School in 2017, everyone gasped. I was in the audience and overjoyed that someone had finally said it. All I’ve ever heard from my friends and colleagues is worship when it comes to Beyonce.
What we are seeing is an explosion of the liberal occult scene, what Coffee and Covid calls “a liberal witchcraft generation.”