
Coffee and COVID on the US biolabs media censorship scandal, July 6, 2022:

"Yesterday, top government media mouthpiece Bloomberg ran an article headlined, 'US Ambassador Urges China to Stop Spreading Russian ‘Lies’.'

The article not only finally reported that Russia is accusing the U.S. of running bioweapons labs in Ukraine, but also that China apparently believes it, too. In a Chinese government-sponsored “World Peace Forum” on Monday, US Ambassador to China Nicolas Burns said this:

'I would hope that Chinese foreign ministry spokespersons would stop accusing NATO of starting this war. That’s Russian propaganda. I hope Foreign Ministry spokespersons would also stop telling lies about American bioweapons labs, which do not exist in Ukraine. These all came from Russia. Unfortunately, this has been picked up by the Chinese.'

Unfortunate, indeed.

Bloomberg reported that top Chinese officials and its state media have repeatedly blamed the U.S. for provoking Russia through NATO expansion. And Chinese diplomats have officially “amplified” Russian-backed “conspiracy theories” that the U.S. produced biological weapons in Ukraine.

The paper then uncritically reported that the U.S. government denies the claims and argues that China is spreading Russian misinformation. What Bloomberg didn’t mention is that there are now TWO members of the UN Security Council — the two largest players apart from the U.S. — that are now accusing us of running illegal bioweapons labs in the beleaguered country.

Bioweapons are considered weapons of mass destruction, just like nuclear warheads. Just saying.

Having been forced to admit that there were U.S.-linked biological RESEARCH labs in Ukraine, the U.S. seems to be trying to thread the needle by making the childish distinction that the gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens is not a 'weapon' because it was for purely defensive purposes. Sure, the bugs COULD BE used by unethical actors, like Russians, as weapons. But you can trust US. We would NEVER do that, or accidentally release a devastating global pandemic.

Once again, this story is not about what our diplomat said. The news is that Bloomberg reported that the bioweapons accusations exist. This kind of embargo-breaking usually signals some kind of pending narrative pivot. I can’t wait.

The disputed labs in Ukraine have been clearly linked with an American company called MetaBiota. MetaBiota was also the only American company allowed to work at the Wuhan lab in China. MetaBiota’s start-up capital came from Rosemont Seneca — Hunter Biden’s company.

Here’s a 2014 email to Hunter Biden, recovered from his laptop, from MetaBiota VP Mary Guttieri, offering Hunter a helpful memorandum about how 'we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia[.]'

So many questions. First, what was Hunter doing dabbling in Ukraine’s independence from Russia? Why was he so interested in THAT? Why was an American biotechnology company involved in Ukraine’s independence from Russia? What does that Ukrainian independence from Russia have to do with biotech?

But the question that really gets me is, when Russia inevitably became aware of these efforts, when Russian prostitute-loving Hunter inevitably spilled the beans, how were the Russians SUPPOSED to respond? Especially after Hunter’s dad, the 'Big Guy,' then infested the office of the Presidency in 2020 under — let’s be honest — somewhat sketchy circumstances?

One suspects the Russians could feel rather gloomy about Hunter Biden and MetaBiota now being fueled by the entire apparatus of the United States government.

And, to place another layer on the slime cake, here’s a photo of Nathan Wolfe, WEF young global leader and CEO of MetaBiota, posing with Epstein’s top procurer and daughter of CIA pet billionaire Robert Maxwell, notorious pedophile and madame Ghislaine Maxwell:

You REALLY can’t make this stuff up. Nobody would believe it."

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, truth seeker, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



