
“I don’t believe that terrorism is the real reason we have become saluting robots. I believe we have neglected to see that terrorism is just a convenient excuse for those in power to gently instruct us to go quietly into that good night of being complaint and unrevolutionary citizens who willingly become subjugated to authority…fear is the most powerful weapon of mass destruction. I don’t want to get over my abhorrence of such a condition.”

—Shirley MacLaine on the post-9/11 world, I’m Over All That, 2011

Celia Farber on Faucism and the Covid-American:

"Fauci declares, like the Oracle at Delphi, the degree of threat from the unseen thing, and his media projects this fantasy into a new Psy Op.

Then people follow that—the Psy Op.

Psy Op says masks on. Psy-op says double mask. Psy Op says don’t even talk to your neighbor. Psy Op says pretend you never liked Thanksgiving anyway. Psy Op says pretend you never really needed people anyway. Not even your family. Psy Op says you are a new kind of American, a Covid-American: Your chief, reigning concern is to react appropriately to an internalized set of terrors around a 'virus' you are told is new and trying to kill you. Your chief moral act is to mask up, get 'vaxxed and boosted,' and (equally vital) scorn anybody who presents any challenges to the invisible “science.”

Once America ceases to identify with liberty, sovereignty, and the right to take risks, she will meld perfectly in the nationless, borderless, One World Government, in which all that exists are imaginary viruses, while the only way to be loved is to pretend they’re there, and pretend you take them very seriously."

Read Farber’s full post HERE

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, everyday dissidence, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, the quest of higher truth, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



