Why do so many men have vocal fry (I hear it all the time) now? Infiltration by the False Feminine (à la Kim Kardashian). Destruction of the Divine Masculine, not to be confused with the Toxic Masculine. Likelikelikelike when they speak in what is now called High Rising Terminal—inflection, up speak, uptalk, rising pitch. What happened to cadence and rhythm and pause for actual thought? Nietzsche said cadence is character. No one is supposed to speak with confidence, conviction, clarity, knowing, or depth anymore. We are living in an intonationally shifty era. It is painful to listen to. Unbearable to listen to, like a dog whistle. I used to love to eavesdrop—it gave me ideas, it taught me things about people, things I could write about—now I cover my ears. Wince. So much has been destroyed. Why do so few feel it, hear it, care? When I am out, walking around, I don’t see or feel any Divine Masculine energy whatsoever, or any Masculine energy for that matter. All I see around me is the Toxic Masculine’s (by gay and straight men, especially gay, though few will ever talk about any misogyny except the kind practiced by straight men. Meanwhile, we are meant to celebrate and tolerate everything the queer community does to the feminine) co-option, manipulation, infiltration, and hijacking of the False Feminine. This mix of poison and endless inversions/distortions/reversals knows no limits. The Divine Feminine cannot be co-opted or mimicked. There is no balance of the DF and DM within people or between men and men. There is only inversion and falsity now (in major cities, academic institutions, the arts, media, fashion), which creates incredible incoherence, imbalance, confusion, and loneliness in everyone, especially in love relationships between men and women. You can literally feel this. You can certainly see it (it’s everywhere in NYC. So many men are in some kind of female drag now. Interestingly, it’s almost always men doing this). And if you can’t feel it, maybe you never experienced it in the first place.
Where is the support, nurturance, and protection of the Divine Feminine? All we see now is the loop of Toxic Feminine and the gross distortions of the Divine Feminine by Toxic Masculines, who have—as we have seen throughout time—appropriated and abused it (women). Gone is Divine Feminine wisdom in every day life, gone is Divine Masculine strength—within us, between us. A strength that protects. So that women don’t always have to be their own Divine Masculine, which destroys the beautiful reciprocity and intimate exchange between men and women. As Honey Golden says, “You have to know who you are from the inside out, not from the inside in…Are you being encouraged to hurt your vehicle (body) by outside forces?” And Adrienne Elise: “They want us to totally identify with the physical form.”
These things must be healed and restored. It is divine law. The law of nature.
Not to mention, where is everyone’s fucking personality? No one has one anymore. Personality is apparently out of style. A direct threat to the mind control matrix that has melted everyone’s brain and gutted their soul.