Useful terms, quotes, and links:
“The mind is the ruler of the false matrix.” (Kerry K)
"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
“It’s easy to feel strong and secure when you have the backing of people, groups, and systems that have long been in place. True freedom is one of the greatest responsibilities of all because it means your choices are now yours and yours alone (not someone or something else that made the rules for you). While uncomfortable, this transition into sovereignty is also incredibly transforming because it requires great change to have what you truly want.” (Spiral)
“If you’re finding emptiness out there, it’s because it’s true. There’s no substance. It’s all play. It’s all Facebook, Fakebook, Hollywood play. Where’s the substance in this world? Where’s the true essence, meaning, purpose, spiritual wealth? This is a big thing with this time that we’re in, going forward. These questions, these answers. With our Dharma—tumbling onto our Darma path…The Dharma path needs to land home. The path of action, of will force, the path of initiation…Who are you? Are you a player in their nightmare or are you a star in your own dream?…Tread carefully because there are still a few traps, but those traps show you exactly where you are still entangled in the old world, in your old life. So choose your dream, choose the dream.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Describe to me the feelings of being a ‘They’? The actual gender neutral pronoun for an individual is ‘it.’ It’s not ‘they.’ But nobody wants to be an ‘it’ because it’s dehumanizing. So if you’re calling yourself nonbinary you have dehumanized yourself. Because human beings exist in a divine sex-binary—male and female. If you are rejecting that, you are rejecting your human identity. You’ve dehumanized and othered yourself. And you have done that to yourself.” (Matt Walsh) (*Note: the reason the pronoun war is so important to the radical Left is because they don’t fucking understand or appreciate language or it’s role in creating coherence. The new vocal-fry generations are tone deaf when it comes to language, words, and true meaning, and they also are illiterate, so language is one big interchangeable cliche system for them. One big mind control program they learn online and in their higher ed/workplace indoctrination camps. Walsh makes the great point of saying these people are colonized by multiple personalities—the main symptom of Mkultra—split identities, sexualities, divisions, and labels, but have no personality or character, or most importantly, soul. To be incorruptible, un-infiltratable. That’s why everyone has become so boring, so predictable, so generic, so bland, so empty—because they are full of programming. They are not themselves.)
“I’ve said it once this all started and I’ll say it again and again…You can’t misgender someone who already misgenders themself.” (YT comment)
YT comment
Pride month 2024 for the animal kingdom. Ideology for the animal world. (Pop Culture Crisis)
“In ‘Biden’s America’ kids go to jail for bike marks on a Pride flag and no one gets in trouble for destroying monuments. It has to be this absurd and this obvious for the sleepers to see it.” (News Treason Media)
On deprogramming from the Mkultra Matrix. (Cathy O’Brien)
“Therefore, your expanded consciousness, and your boldness in living and expressing it, poses a threat to the false matrix. Beings still under heavy programming don’t know how to alchemize, process, and make sense of the thoughts and emotions that challenge what they have previously thought of as true. Because they lack this skill set. All they know how to do is stew and then seek to get relief by projecting, deflecting, and casting that energy back onto others, or running away. They have lost touch with their ability to alchemize their pain into golden wisdom. But that is not your problem. Your sacred vessel is not here to hold other people’s garbage and refuse, or those parts of themselves that they don’t want to claim and properly love and heal. You’re too fucking precious for that. And if they would rise into their own right mind, they would see that they also are too fucking precious to be living in this way.” (Solarah)
“Embrace the art of receiving.” (Dr. Christian Northrup)
“In order to have a miracle, you have to have a need for a miracle—a want for a miracle.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Suspicion is not the same thing as intuition.” (Awakened Priestess)
“I have protested here in the past to the dangerous cliche that ‘…the truth is probably somewhere in the middle,’ that afflicts so many discourses. I’ve never known truth to hang out in the middle of anything. [See: The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn.]” (Celia Farber)
“In my 54 years, and all my years in Hollywood, I’ve never in my life, or in this industry, seen more blatant Satanic symbols in the culture…There is a spiritual warfare going on. I’m not even a spiritual person, but I can see it as clear as day…There is so much Satanic imagery everywhere—look at what happened to Dojo Cat and Sam Smith, and so many other performers.” (Jamie Kennedy)
“If you can’t suspend your beliefs, you will never learn anything.” (YT comment)
“No matter what our lives look like right now, or what we have built as a result of destructive thinking in the past…it is time for it all to come down.” (Solarah)
“Cock-tocracy.” (Roseanne Barr)
“Narradigm.” (Cliff High)
“Woke Genocide ethos “(Celia Farber)
“Everything formerly ‘crazy’ is now basic literacy?” (Celia Farber)
“The coverup is worse than the crime.” (Lin Wood)
“Toxic fandom.”
“Being onstage was a thing that saved me from myself.” (Gene Wilder)
“ACTORS are ACTING. FAKE.” (Q post 969, 2018)
“They’ve been using doubles since Reagan.” (PBD on the CIA’s advanced disguise tech)
“Body doubles are nothing new and masks make it easier.” (former undercover CIA agent, Jonna Mendez)
“Could it possibly be that the actors are speaking more loudly because they’re aware that people are leaving the theater?” (Pam Gregory)
Everyone has a handler in Hollywood…”We cannot arm ourselves against this sort of evil if we aren't even able to acknowledge it.” (Candace Owens)
“Should we maybe wall off Hollywood? They’re just all sexual predators…Can we at least say, ‘Enter at your own risk?” (Tim Dillion)
Tim Dillion on Joe Rogan, June 2024.
“These astronauts have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame bc they’re actors.”
“God, these people are horrible.” (*Note: Read the comments, they’re great. People are tired of these insufferable assholes.)
“Celebrities and politicians on the Left can’t read the room…We’re in the age of the fall of celebrity. They’re dying.” (Dom Lucre)
“If the Democrats are counting on Hollywood to save them, they might be in for a shock. Hollywood is barely surviving. Everyone is terrified. No one is working. With layoffs, buyouts, and studios collapsing, the once-mighty empire has become a shell of its former self. We’ve passed through some kind of gate of history where even celebrities don’t rank. No one watches them on awards shows, nightly talk shows, or SNL. Anyone can be a star on TikTok or YouTube, so it’s harder for celebrities to stand out…It’s become more obvious than ever that Hollywood, like the legacy press, has become yet another propaganda delivery device for the Democratic Party.” (Sasha Stone)
Dom Lucre
“When did market share, quarterly profits, bank account balances, fame, follower counts, likes, views, and friend groups/networks become the indices that determine our worth? How cheaply and brazenly we have given our treasure to build monuments and practices that only reflect our broken and wounded egos. Value systems are based upon what we value. When did we lose the truth of our devine net worth? Why have we ever believed that the false systems, economies, and structures of this world are worthy of having access to our treasure? It can only be because we’ve forgotten who we actually are—got lost in the many walls we had to erect to simply survive in a world full of beings fallen from grace. We are waking up again though. And we are re-membering. The walls that have trapped us in fear of one another are coming down, and the true walls to protect us from those things, people, and systems we entrusted with our value—only to have it squandered—are going up.” (Solarah)
“AI Empire.. Existential threat is no longer from nuclear war, it’s AI genetics.” (Putin to Tucker Carlson)
“It’s an intra-war.” (Roseanne Barr)
“99% of Americans don’t know the laws & orders.” (Derek Johnson)
“Candace Owens pierced the propaganda veil on UK TV.” (Celia Farber)
“Milan Kundera coined the phrase ‘totalitarian kitsch.’ This is Fauci kitsch. Or maybe it’s called ‘Covid kitsch.’ It is deeply bizarre, and I could spend 10 years trying to interpret it, and fail. It’s hard to believe any of this happened, let alone all of it. This Is No Time To Forget Or Dissemble—People Must See Their Truth, Their Loss, Reflected and Acknowledged…Let’s permit no revisionist history, no excuses, no shadow from the glare of the cruelest and ‘greatest’ crime ever committed—with so many tens of thousands of accomplices. Or maybe hundreds of thousands.” (Celia Farber)
“All we know is we are, like children in an abusive home, always in trouble when it comes to Israel..Every sloppy use of this weaponized term 'Jews' helps the NWO immeasurably…” (Celia Farber)
“Politics is just getting what you want.” (Legal Eagles, 1986)
A very good breakdown of “media training” and Mkultra symbols and codes in entertainment culture.
“Speaking the truth is so attractive.” (YT comment)
“Free will is overrated.” (Tucker Carlson)
“It’s fear that keeps producing the stop-start motion. The inconsistency.” (Solarah)
“A man’s impulse is to run away. I don’t care how honorable you think you are. You’re gong to abandon her in subtle and easy to justify ways…But don’t ever run away from the woman you love.” (Tucker Carlson)
East 9th Street, Ave A, NYC.
“In a few years time, the consumer society will be dead…There will be whole new industries around health, not disease. The allopathic agenda created by Rockefeller and the Elohim worship cult will be gone…In a few years time, an entirely different you will be exploring an entirely different world populated by an entirely different humanity.” (Cliff High on the Aquarian Age)
Finally, the exposure of the dums/tunnels that run around cities around the world. Are we still conspiracy theorists? (*Note: This is the next big disclosure, especially when it comes to the trafficking of children.)
“Instagram is using algos to manipulate the comments being shown on posts. This means you can’t get a real idea of how people feel about content. Thank God for X.” (Wall Street Apes)
“HUGE WIN! 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules Covid vaccines are NOT Vaccines” (Kim Iversen)
“10 videos that prove ‘You Are Watching A Movie’ - A Channel 17 Special.” (News Treason Media)
“Another 30% of Americans will lose faith in the judicial system due to the Trump trials.” (Jordan Peterson)
“Was Karl Marx a Satanist?” (Dr. Paul Kengor) (*Note: no wonder the political, academic, and cultural Left vehemently embraces and promotes Marxist ideology, which I experienced in all my years in higher ed. We’re seeing Marx’s genocidal atheism at work now in all areas of life.)
YT comment about Kevin Spacey’s interview with Piers Morgan on his ties with Jeffrey Epstein YT comments pose more rigorous questions than Piers Morgan. Spacey’s foreclosure and bankruptcy is likely a comm and an example of Executive Order 13818. In December 2017, Trump signed Executive Order 13818, allowing him to arrest and dispossess anyone involved with human trafficking or "extreme corruption." Of course interviews like Spacey’s trigger me, but when looked at carefully, I realize Spacey is being set-up for the disclosure of Epstein, Hollywood, the Clinton cartel, and sex trafficking under the guise of “humanitarian causes” and foundation. Pizza is a pedophile code word and was used frequently in Pizza Gate emails released by Wikileaks. The FBI, DOJ records, many local law enforcement, the Wall Street Journal and more have confirmed this code word, so it’s not a “conspiracy.”
“She’ll turn your life to ash—not in vengeance—but to make you tired of your own self-limiting bullshit. And she’ll do this because She loves you and sees the infinite potential you run from and others try to blind you to. Her Love isn’t sweet words, broken vows, and acts of false loyalty and duty. Her Love moves mountains and shatters illusions. Her Love breaks chains and arrests despairing cycles.” (Solarah)
“This is why so many of us have been hermitting. We kept being violated, ridiculed, rejected, shamed, and misunderstood to the point that we were forced to once again find the true genesis of all our safety - which is within ourselves and our connection to Source. However, our human connections are supposed to continue that story outside of ourselves. We cannot say that someone loves us, if we don’t feel safe in their presence. We cannot say we love one another and not make their sense of security with us a top priority.” (Solarah)
“As children, we are better able to hold the weight of our true infinite and multidimensional nature because we haven’t yet been fully programmed and spellbound out of our truth. We still believe in ‘magic,’ and that all things are possible….because they actually are.” (Solarah)
“The matrix was founded upon and fed by our wounded child energy.” (Solarah)
“We view triggers all wrong. What triggers us heals us. It brings our wounds and shadows to the surface so we can face them and heal them.” (Guided by Angels)
“When a romantic connection is so intense that it causes you to look at all your shadows, your ego is going to get triggered and is going to try to fight it and push the person away. This means running and avoiding.” (Divine Empress Tarot)
“The ego wants you to stay small. It wants you to stay safe. The ego is hooked to fear and to the past. And it always resists change.” (Honey Golden)
“Stepping into Soul…Find faith in the Divine.” (Soul Connect)
“He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 18:2-5)
"I find your lack of faith disturbing" (Darth Vader, Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope, 1977)