"Everybody know, ain't no party like a Diddy party." (LeBron James)
LeBron James selfie wearing a French maid's dress for Diddy's famous "White" parties. As we're seeing in full force with the gender ideology psyop and the "LGBTQ trans Superstate" (Celia Farber's term), Hollywood and the fashion world, love to humiliate men--and women--by putting men in dresses. Dave Chappelle told us this a long time ago. Insiders refer to this as a "humiliation ritual." Notice how LeBron flashes his Illuminati (all-seeing eye) allegiance by covering one eye with his Iphone. Celebrities and models do this constantly now--it's everywhere. I see it on all magazines covers and advertisements. Over the years, I have taken hundreds of pics of these images when I walk down the street, etc., (at some point, I will upload them in a post) and the internet is full of pics dating back to the Beatles doing this in the 1960s. Chappelle made it clear 20 years ago on Oprah (who I've been ranting against for decades) that so-called conspiracy theorists (a term coined by the CIA after the JFK assassination to shun anyone who questioned the official narrative) are just people who connect the dots. It's called paying attention, critical thinking, and having a brain. God forbid straight men refuse to put on a dress for "fun." God forbid we don't like it. It's become a fucking rite of passage. A form of psychosexual submission to the gay elite, and a way to divide men from women, to erase their sacred connection/bond. I grew up around gay men and drag queens in Provincetown and New York City all my life, so I know exactly how it works, and I listened very carefully to the way gay men around me talked about these things: how much they liked to seduce straight men, how "susceptible" all straight men are to being seduced. It was no secret. It was like a honey pot scheme--divide and conquer. No one ever talks about conversion therapy and how it works the other way around too. We're always cowering under the accusation of homophobia and transphobia, so no one ever says no. We're not not allowed to have any limits when it comes to culture--everything must be tolerated, accepted, praised, and promoted, otherwise you are a bigot or a right wing extremist. But as Camille Paglia put it, "A culture that believes in nothing and tolerates everything, is doomed." That's what we're living through now--a doomed culture that tolerates everything. Or else. Accuse a man of being a misogynist—gay or straight—and he could give a fuck. He may pretend to, if he's caught in something, but he doesn't. I've never heard the word Bitch and Cunt branded about more than by gay men. They have colonized these words both towards one another (because they are "women," after all, and therefore they own the language about women) and towards women while the same permission does not exist for women or straight people when referring to gay men. Imagine if we threw that word around. I don't want to be “affectionately” called a Bitch by anyone (unless I’ve earned it), most especially a man. I also don't want to men to refer to me as Yaas Queen or Slut or Girl either. They may like it, I don’t. As my mother always told me when I was growing up, “Don’t be afraid of anyone.”