“Healing is a fight, it’s not just a ‘journey’. You literally need to fight for it for dear life…Love is not just soft love. It’s also tough love—and you need to fight for it to. Everything has been distorted and inverted. 2023 was about letting go of all that doesn’t serve us anymore—to all the false and old reality. So if you’re still holding onto those things, you need to let it go now, in 2024. From the place of nothing, of thinking you lost ‘everything,’ everything comes.”
-Ramona Lappin
“As long as we stay in self-betrayal and compromised settings, we cannot sustain the high-frequency that Divine counterpart relationships require to succeed. This may seem complicated to us now, but this only because we have been lied to about who we are, and as such, we must re-learn how we truly run and operate optimally. We are in the re-learning phase and orientation, where everything feels difficult and nonsensical because it is new. But we’ll get the hang of it again in no time. After all, we were literally made for this. This has always been a frequency game. But as long as we are ignorant and asleep to this truth, we were unable to consciously create our reality. We’ve been playing in a game, where our opponents gave us false rules and directives in order to scam us out of our winnings. But time is up on the motherfuckery.”