
"Parliamentarians in Canada also do not seem to understand that 'dictator' is no longer rhetorical...Justin Trudeau is by definition now in fact a dictator...At this point in a power grab, either Parliamentarians and patriotic heads of the military peacefully arrest an out-of-control leader who has sought to overthrow a democracy, or else they must be aware that history shows that their own arrests may be nigh."


Reality Honks Back

Checkpoint society

Catherine Austin Fitts always says their goal is the digital passports and digital currency, a biomedical tracking system. As she explains over and over, you can't advance the final phase of surveillance capitalism or control people, if you can't track all their movements, activities, and purchases--what she calls a "complete control transaction grid." These attempts at complete control have been covert for decades. Now they are obvious and in full force. The main branches of these control and surveillance systems are the banks, the medical system, the government, and big-tech. "The Stasi agent is now a software bot." Fitts is talking about control and authoritarianism. The banks are the key this whole COVID divide and conquer puzzle. Without the vaccine mandates, they cannot justify the enforcement of vaccine passports, and without the vaccine passports, and health passes in Europe, there is no final global control coup of all assets. In order for it to work, all of this has to be done in the name of a medical crisis and health "safety"--i.e. plague laws

That's what we must stop. The thing most people get wrong is the focus on tyranny, genocide, and dictatorship. It's not the main problem--this has always existed (As Naomi Wolf writes in her post: "We have been here before."). The bigger problem is a distracted, spiritually lost, brainwashed, ideologized population that doesn't seem to care about oppression and injustice--except when it comes to paying lip service to identity politics--and that agrees to all of this willingly through compliance because they have so little faith in life. We can defeat these systems if we wake up. All that matters is love, truth, and freedom. There is great freedom in knowing what matters.

As Naomi Wolf writes:

"This situation--that the United States is operating under emergency powers extended eight times already--is the biggest underreported story of the century to date...And the current declaration by President Biden, as of this past week, that the Emergency Act must be extended, is about an Act that is open-ended in duration. What this declaration does, going around Congress, is to continue to allocate billions of dollars to HHS, which billions in effect flow to constituencies to create a massive economic incentive for stakeholders to keep the drama of the pandemic, including forcible masking, pressure for vaccine passports, the possibility of closing businesses again, and all the misery of the past two years, ongoing forever."

It is time to pay attention. It's time to be free again.



