
"The masks have always been a political and neurotic symbol"

And that's why everyone is still wearing them even though they are finally no longer mandated in NY. Mandates are suddenly lifted just in time for Biden's State of The Union address. Must be science. When will these people pay for their crimes?

Jeffrey Childers, Coffee & Covid, March 1, 2022:

"The new pandemic, Ukraine, continued to dominate the news cycle yesterday, with repetitive suggestions of global nuclear war terrifying people and making a lot of folks anxious. Since day one, the democrat party and the media have been united in calling for a strong response to Russia. Here in Florida, ethically-challenged pot purveyor, Ag Commissioner, and gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried has been relentless in demanding that Governor DeSantis do SOMETHING to get back at Russia. Maybe we could send Putin a really strong strain to mellow him out.

I think it should be obvious by now, but PLEASE don’t let this Ukraine story make you worried or fearful. The headlines are SO identical to early Covid headlines. Like, “Should we be worried about COVID, I mean Ukraine?” Questioning the narrative produces the same 'don’t you care about all the people who are dying?' We’ll follow the story, but do NOT let Ukraine get you down.

Back in the day, I would start posts with 'I am NOT saying Covid is just like the flu. But.'

I have repeatedly NOT suggested that this Ukraine business is a Wag the Dog farce (resulting in lots of injury to Ukranians) manufactured to help U.S. Democrats hold Congress and reverse Biden’s cratering poll numbers. But. Check out this headline from yesterday’s New York Magazine: 'Did Putin Accidentally Reboot Biden’s Presidency?'

Uh huh. There it is. And you can’t make up the tagline under the article’s main picture of Biden looking resolute: 'Joe Biden doesn’t seem so sleepy in addressing Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.'

The Ukranian invasion is a chance for sleepy Joe Biden to look not so sleepy! And it brings more eyes to the SOTU, which is what Biden needs to turn things around. Here, according to New York Magazine, is how it is supposed to work:

'Americans overwhelmingly want Ukrainian independence to survive, but without U.S. troop involvement. If that appears to be happening, even temporarily, Biden will almost certainly get some of the credit, particularly from the Democrats whose support for him has been lagging lately, and from the independents, who turned sour on his presidency some time ago.”

See? The war can help Biden save the base and scrape up some independents, just by “temporary appearances.” And — bonus — it might undermine Republicans."

*Today is the day that Pfizer has to release its first batch of documents.

"And love, it isn't love until it's past."



