
“I believe the whole speech, the whole Biden speech, is gaslighting people with critical thinking skills.”

Coffee & Covid on Biden administration "stealing conservative talking points"

Glenn Greenwald on social media's role in curating and fanning the flames of war. All of this, by the way, is simply an extension of the COVID war. We need the psychological, goading mindset of the COVID regime (plus the Cold War and Russiagate hysteria of the past few years) and cancel culture to launch this new phase of attack and scapegoating. We can't be mad at our country for the horror of the past 2 years, but we can project our anger onto another country for what it does to people who "look just like us" (as opposed to all the other countries where people don't), which makes our narcissistic logic and moralistic performances self-evident yet again. If everyone around the world, as Greenwald notes, is connecting to the same messaging, via social media, 24/7, what is that but propaganda? The virtue signaling of war mongering is the equivalent of the virtue signaling we've mastered of masks and vaccines.

On Biden's SOTU speech, The Economist reports:

“Never regarded as a gifted orator, Mr Biden was in especially poor form, stumbling through both his scripted lines and ad libs. He spoke of the ‘Iranian people’ when he meant Ukrainians and confused the word ‘vaccine’ for ‘virus’.”

I think these aren't merely gaffes (due to senility and idiocy), but extremely telling and revealing markers of a fabricated reality and phraseology--the NON-SCIENCE of the COVID regime; the hypocrisy of America's role in Russian and Ukraine. These so-called talking points, definitions, and political issues are apparently so fictitious, disingenuous, and jumbled they've proven to be completely arbitrary and interchangeable. All these "truths" can be modified in a day--Iran is Ukraine, virus is vaccine, Left is Right and Right is Left, defund the police, fund the police, etc.

Biden's gaffes are almost Freudian slips and we should be grateful for their unveiling. The facades are crumbling. The words are slipping away.

Mystic Medusa on being Optimus Maximus: "Narrowness is done."



