
A little hope...

Coffee & Covid, April 25, 22:

"I’m just a regular lawyer from Florida who was convicted in March of 2020 that I had to use all my skills and strength to fight back against a monstrous tyranny that I saw coming at us fast. It wasn’t anything I ever set out to do, I’ve never been a political warrior before, ever, and mostly just minded my own business and tried to keep a low profile like most people.

But now, here I am, up on stages again and again, exercising my rights as a free American to FREE SPEECH. The tour was a celebration of free speech, a chance for citizens to hear different points of view for themselves, even where the speakers on the tour didn’t all agree with each other about many things. But we all do believe that freedom of speech is the greatest and most important right, possibly second only to freedom of religion, although I believe the two rights are bound up together, essential to any healthy civilization.

The recent efforts to squash speech are symptoms of democratic disease, and worse, a failure of imagination by a lot of people in charge who don’t recognize they are hurting themselves as much as the rest of us with their frantic attempts to control an un-controllable narrative. This kind of thing NEVER works out well for anybody. Never has.

Free speech is the reason we aren’t Shanghai right now. Sure, we have a terrific Constitution, a miraculous document conceived in liberty by our Founding Fathers in a time of inspired creation. But our Constitutional rights are only as good as what courts will enforce, and we’ve seen in the jab cases that the Supreme Court isn’t 100% reliable. So.

Free speech is what is saving us, and that’s why it’s under renewed attack by a new narrative, since the old one wasn’t working.

I’ve been calling the new one Narrative 2.0, which claims that the most dangerous virus since the Black Plague of 1346 suddenly mutated into a harmless seasonal cold bug in late November of last year. Think about this: you’ve heard about how a new Omicron “sub variant” called BA.2 is now the “dominant” variant and is literally a million times more infectious than Omicron, which was literally a million times more infectious than Delta?

So why haven’t they NAMED the dominant new variant yet?

I mean, last year they could HARDLY WAIT to name each new variant. The papers even published the entire Greek alphabet so we could play the naming game with them, and look forward to a whole series of new variants of concern. But that’s gone now, no more alphabet, it’s just “BA.2.” You won’t remember the blandly-named BA.2, or BA.3, or BA.2.2.1 or whatever comes next after that. You probably didn’t even remember what BA.2 was called until I said it just now.

We’re in a new phase, an easier phase, and it’s tempting to go back to sleep, to “get back to normal,” which a year ago they promised would NEVER happen, we were going to have to get used to the “new” normal of masks and mandates. But then Republicans swept deep-blue Virginia in the November elections, and normal came rushing right back. It’s not politics, no, it’s Science. You believe that, right?

Don’t get distracted. That’s what they want you to be. That’s the reason for Narrative 2.0. But it ain’t over, not by a long shot.

I’ve been told that, when you take race car driving lessons, the first thing they teach you is “never look at the wall.” The car goes toward what you focus on. Even if the car spins out of control, always look at the ROAD where you WANT the car to go. It’s basic psychology. You get what you focus on.

But during the pandemic, all too often we’ve focused on the “narrative wall,” what the psyops teams want us to look at. They know that even if it’s just in our own minds, we’ll create whatever they can trick us into focusing on. And for too long that’s been FEAR. Now it’s “getting back to normal.”

Don’t take the bait.

Instead, I ask you to focus on what I call “the hidden blessings of the pandemic.” There are a LOT of them, far too many to name them all. I’ll just give you a few examples. These are things you’d have NEVER predicted could happen, not in a million years. You wouldn’t even have bet that slippery weasel Fauci’s money on them.

Let’s start with airplane masks, possibly one of the most hated of all the malodorous mask mandates that oozed out of the CDC’s sewage system. I think it was considered worst because of the threats of criminal prosecution and loss of flying rights if your mask slipped two millimeters under your nose while the flight attendant was having a bad day. Not to mention how it empowered overweight, middle-aged, poorly-coiffed Karens to splenetically scold and shame everyone on board every ten seconds.

The airplane mask mandate was lifted last Monday because of hard work done by CITIZENS, not government. And the Biden Administration just took it. Sure, they’ve appealed, but they aren’t asking for the mask mandate back, not yet anyway.

WE won that battle; we the people. A year ago you wouldn’t have believed it was possible. That’s good news. It proves we CAN turn these mandates around. The pandemic gave us a chance to learn how to do it.

How about Florida’s reputation? Two years ago Florida was the “Florida Man” state. They imagined we were all riding alligators around holding beer cans in one hand and refusing to evacuate during hurricanes because we’d just put a casserole in the trailer’s easy-bake oven. And don’t forget about hanging chads. Popular memes featured Bugs Bunny busily sawing the state of Florida off the rest of the United States.

But now, we’re the Free State of Florida, leading the world, headed by Governor DeSantis, whose detractors even grudgingly admit is the most effective, most popular governor in the country. What they won’t admit is painfully obvious to everyone: DeSantis is popular and called unbeatable because he’s tapped into the strong will of the people. All the leftists can do is wail, spit nails, and call our popular will “racist” and “homophobic.”

DeSantis didn’t start out politically powerful. He won the governorship by a handful of votes over an obviously unqualified democrat opponent. It was the pandemic that gave DeSantis his opportunity to become the man his is now. Absent the pandemic, it’s extremely unlikely that DeSantis would have become a world icon for freedom.

DeSantis is so politically empowered that he just pulled off the most understated miraculous political victory in Florida history: beating Disney. In a special session last week called by the Governor, Florida clipped Disney’s special tax breaks and its unparalleled rights to self-government.

It’s hard for non-Floridians to imagine how big an accomplishment that was. Disney was always Florida’s political third rail. You just didn’t touch Disney, not unless for some insane reason you wanted to be fried to a political crisp.

But after Disney attacked the Governor and Republican legislators in Florida over the state’s new anti-grooming law, Disney not only felt the sharp end of the tiki torch, but it lost online subscribers in droves, not to mention over $40 billion in stock value. And Governor DeSantis made it look effortless, getting the job done in a matter of days and moving on to new initiatives.

The leftwing papers down here have been DYING for Disney to fight back, to sue the state over the new law, but Disney has been awfully quiet this week, hasn’t it? That’s because Disney is smarter than the drooling, moronic reporters who think this will be settled in court. DISNEY LOSES EITHER WAY, and they know it.

If Disney sues Florida, DeSantis will run for Governor against that lawsuit. It’ll be in the news over and over as things develop in the case, reminding everyone about Disney’s hyper-woke grooming agenda, every time. And even if Disney won the lawsuit and, people will be completely outraged, because an activist judge will have protected a big, woke corporation’s special insider deals that the rest of us can’t get.

Disney’s brand name has been badly damaged. It is in a political hole, and unlike a bunch of mentally-defective reporters, it is politically savvy enough to realize that, and to shut up and stop digging.

You heard it here first. I predict Disney WON’T sue. The woke corporation will just take it, and it will try to repair its relationships in Florida instead. The pandemic created the circumstances where woke Disney could be beaten, starting from when horrified parents saw what their kids were really learning on “distant education” classes during the lockdowns and leading inevitably to the present moment.

There’s a LOT more. How about CNN+? I guess there aren’t enough woke people to support the new 300 million-dollar streaming news network. Whoops. Poor Chris Wallace. He’s back looking for a job, in case you know anybody looking for an out-of-touch aging news anchor.

How about the City of Philadelphia, which had to jettison its brand new mask mandate after just FOUR DAYS? I think the City just set the record for the shortest mask mandate in history. Philadelphia’s Health Department explained, “Due to decreasing hospitalizations and a leveling of case counts, the City will move to strongly recommending masks in indoor public spaces as opposed to a mask mandate.“

So … its loopy mask mandate was working great, right? Cases down and all that? So … why end it, if it’s working? The whole thing is so dumb. Why can’t they just tell the truth, and say they made a mistake? The Bible says all liars will be thrown into the lake of fire. Just saying.

Plus … mask experts have pivoted and are now joining Team Reality. We’re winning the mask wars.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, how about the AVALANCHE of pro-freedom state laws? From ratcheting back emergency powers, reinforcing medical freedoms, banning CRT education, and supporting everything from free speech to Second Amendment gun rights, state legislatures all over the country have been very busy creating a state-level bulwark against an overreaching federal government.

As great as all these developments are, it’s not over. It’s just getting started.

So don’t look at the wall of fear, or the wall of limp passivity. Look instead at the wall of good news and winning. Let’s move THAT direction, toward even MORE changes that we need to exterminate the marxist termites so our kids and grandkids don’t have to shoot their way out.

Don’t look at what’s been happening as something NEW. I get it, it’s tempting to see this as a novel conspiracy to brain-chip us that started in 2019 or something and was cooked up along with some nice pancetti-wrapped broiled asparagus in Davos, Switzerland. Klaus Schwab is nothing more than a sinister version of Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes (“you have no-THINK”). He’s a silly nobody and will eventually be tossed in the dustbin of history. Bill Gates is getting fatter and dumplier by the minute and eventually we’ll buy all that farmland back from him for pennies on the dollar.

Recent events are NOT new. They’ve been on the way for a LONG time while we were sleeping. For one example, the gay community tried to warn us about Fauci in the 1980’s, during the HIV pandemic, but we didn’t listen. Then that human termite Fauci — whose head looks just like a shrunken apple — burrowed his way right next to the President of the United States and did to all of US the exact same thing he did to gay people forty years before.

Just ask Robert Kennedy, he wrote a book all about it.

Another one is the military already experimented on our soldiers during the Gulf War with its disastrous experimental Anthrax vaccine, and we just took it. You want to talk about holding Nuremberg trials? We should have held them back when politicians and doctors experimented on our soldiers and manufactured untold amounts of human misery back during the Gulf War. But we didn’t. We were asleep. We weren’t paying attention. Now the SAME PEOPLE are doing it to the whole world.

The good news is we’re awake NOW. They have our full attention, this time.

🔥 It’s not aspirational. We HAVE to keep fighting, or soon we’ll be right back where we started, or worse. None of the vaccine mandates have been repealed. They’re all still there, lurking, waiting to pass the November elections, for a more favorable political climate, and for a judge to throw out the temporary injunctions protecting most of us from forced vaccination. It’s coming this January, you can bet on it.

We have to stop this once and for all. We CAN do it, too. We’ve already proved that. Coffee & Covid’s Operation Multiplier is a great example of things it’s possible to do if we work together, things that would be impossible to do working alone.

I call my fighting-back formula, “shrinkage.” (Not THAT kind, please try to focus.) It’s THIS:

-We can shrink ALL vaccine requirements: school jab schedules, healthcare worker flu-jab requirements, and PLEASE, military vaccine mandates.

-We can shrink liability shields, by shaming the federal government into paying ALL vaccine injury claims. It’s the right thing to do. You can’t coerce people into taking a vaccine and then not pay when people get hurt. Same thing for employers. States can begin to make mandating employers share in the liability for employees who get hurt because of their demanding policies.

-We have to keep shrinking local emergency powers. Unelected public health officials shouldn’t be able to mandate ANYTHING. Only democratically-elected lawmakers should be able to pass laws affecting the general public, even in emergencies, except maybe for VERY short periods of time measured in days, not weeks or months.

Let’s shrink them. Shrinkage. We can do that. Let’s work together; a new tribe that has re-discovered each other because of our shared values, values of personal freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

I’m not saying it will be easy. There’s a LOT going on. But it IS possible; we CAN do it, and we MUST do it. For our children and their children and their children’s children. This is our time."

Northern Exposure, S2, 1991

Northern Exposure knew everything



