A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would upload pictures of celebrities and models doing the one-eye hand signal. Some of these pics are online images, some of them are photos I personally took of magazine covers and street advertisements in 2023 and 2024. As I stated in a post about Diddy and LeBron James two weeks ago, celebrities have been signaling their allegiance to the all-seeing Horus/Illuminati for decades, but in the last few years it has become much more brazen and common. It is now a constant occurrence. I see it on a daily basis. Remember, no one ever does anything randomly in big budget, highly pre-planned photo shoots. That’s not how these industries operate. Huge amounts of money is involved. Countless photos are taken and a lot of time goes into the production and design.
Have you ever taken a photo and covered one eye, or made a pyramid with your hands for a professional photo, or any photo? I haven’t, and I never saw anyone do it in all my years on this earth. But it happens in the entertainment and fashion world constantly now. So it must mean something if everyone in these worlds is doing it, even on magazine covers and billboards.
I am going to play Devil’s (Devil being the operative word) advocate and employ the Socratic method: Why would someone do that unless it was signaling some sort of code, symbol, or allegiance? If we know it is a code, which all hand symbols are, what does it mean? It must mean something important, it must mean that they want us to understand something about them and their loyalties, especially if it is now being done in advertisements. The symbol/gesture has now superseded both the star and the product. Who controls the signal? Who originated the signal?
Given that an actor and model’s face is their bread and butter, the money maker, the entire selling point of a fashion spread or product advertisement, under the circumstances, why would anyone cover half their face? Does it improve the image? Is it flattering? Does it make someone’s face more attractive? Do you like not being able to see someone’s entire face, or their eyes, which are windows to the soul—remember? Does it make the ad more effective? Does it help sell a product? Do you want to buy the product? Does it make the image more aesthetically pleasing? Does it make sense? No. So it must serve a some other purpose. The whole point of a fashion model used to be her face. And the “beauty” of her face. And the beauty of clothes. But beauty is not what is being sold anymore. Nor is style or fashion. That’s why everything/everyone looks like shit now. No one cares about beauty. No one cares about style. Both are dead. We are not living in a world that cares about beauty, or style, or even capitalism and selling products. These industries never did care about these things really, but it pretended it did because it had to, and because it knew the public still required it, because the public still had standards and values and norms and ideals and basic class. So you couldn’t push them too far. You couldn’t shit all over those values and norms completely. Now that is all gone, stripped away, eradicated—all those norms and traditions and standards. Now what sells is pure signaling: radical ideology, degradation, perversion, demonology, Satanism, incoherence, misery, corruption. The rest is just filler. The pretense and gimmick of fame and glamor. The death cult and demonic swamp that is the MET Gala.
The following images are just scratching the surface.
One-eye collage
LeBron James.
Paul Reubens (AKA Pee Wee Herman)
Anne Heche
Idris Elba
Jim Cavizel
Greta Gerwig's Barbie
Kate McKinnon in Greta Gerwig's Barbie
Ewan McGregor's "daughter." (I am convinced this is his son). Do a little digging into his modeling career.
Eliot Sumner (Sting's "nonbinary" daughter)
Fashion ad, 2024
Lady Gaga
Margaret Qualley
Julia Roberts
Naomi Campbell’s island and eye of Horus mansion. Sex traffickers always have their own island.
Madonna, double one-eye
Marina Abramovic
Barack Obama
Audrey Hepburn
Barbra Stresand
Naomi Campbell. The internet is full of magazine covers with Campbell covering one eye.
Jason Acuna
Frank Ocean, Pyramid
Great Gerwig
Gwenyth Paltrow
Millie Bobbie Brown
Bonjout Beauty
Arrojo hair salon advertisment, 2024
Face product ad, 2024
Jessica Alba
All the new female models are men. Somehow we don’t see the reverse—women taking male modeling jobs or sports titles. Of course it turns out the high fashion models were always men, that;’s why their bodies didn’t make sense.
Nelli Furtado
Marina Abramovic
Tilda Swinton
Tom Hanks
Mel Gibson
Val Kilmer
Stephen Colbert
Michelle Pfeiffer
Cara Delevingne
Megyn Foxes three sons all "nonbinary" and dressed as girls. One is in an all-seeing jumpsuit.
Jennifer Lopez, 2024, Horus coat
Pink Pantheress, 2024
Ferrell, 2024
Time Magazine
Aleister Crowley
Paul Macartney, UK talk show
Beyonce and Jay Z
Rhianna, Super Bowl Halftime show, 2023
Fashion advertisement, Bowery, NYC, 2024. One eye is covered and has a triangle around it. The other side of the face is completely in shadow/darkness. Like in the Frank Ocean images below, the triangle is around and in the pupil of the eye. Also see Nicholas Refn’s Neon Demon (2016), it’s full of this Illuminati and Satanic imagery.
Frank Ocean, Pyramid