
More empty theatrics from the Woke-Left.

As Coffee & Covid writes, May 4:

"This exhausted argument is falling on the pretty plugged-up ears of a lot folks who just lived through two years of the government shooting experimental mRNA drugs into women’s bodies....Plus, overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn’t be an attack on women anyway, because men can have babies too. Just ask any Democrat....The Roe issue is just what the Democrat party was looking for. Based on the near-hysterical messaging during the last 24 hours, it’s clear that the Democrat party will use the abortion issue to invigorate its lethargic base for the 2022 midterm elections. The developing argument seems to be that since Congress needs to pass a federal law protecting abortion, Democrats need an even bigger majority to pass that law. If that happens, if the Dems do expand their majority, you can expect a federal vaccine mandate in about ten seconds, followed quickly by permanent mask mandates..

If you are strongly pro-choice, remember that Democrats COULD pass federal abortion protections anytime — they could’ve already done it — but, I predict they will NOT pass any such law, because they prefer to use the issue as a political catalyst. Instead, they’ll complain about Republican obstructionism and whine that voters need to give them even bigger majorities in Congress."

And on May 5:

"It is not too hard to imagine that the leak was premeditated and carefully timed, like everything else in the pandemic has been. But it’s just another red herring dressed up as some kind of surprising and alarming new development. The truth is that the draft decision, if entered, would change VERY LITTLE in most states, but the long-feared specter of the 'Downfall of Roe' threatens to crack a gigantic fracture into the majority block forming to oppose heavy-handed, intrusive government. To our new colleagues who fled here from the left, trying to understand what’s really going on in this out-of-control world: this particular pendulum has been swinging back for a long time, nearly fifty years. There’s almost nothing new here. The draft decision was predicted since back when the Court agreed to take the case, nearly a year now, and before that, when the Court swung majority conservative. Don’t let the lying talking heads confuse you that this is some brand-new, politically apocalyptic development that just crashed into Earth like an invisible comet or something.

Keep your eye on the ball.

I encourage my colleagues on the right to use GRACE. We are just as triggered by all the time-tested, government-crafted behavioral hotbuttons as are our friends on the left, but the opposite direction, and it is no time for triumphalism. By itself, the decision changes very little. It corrects one of the worst-reasoned legal decisions in the Court’s history. But all the real work remains to be done at the state level. And most of THAT job will be accomplished through gentle persuasion, not premature victory laps. Persuading folks be much easier if we stand together with the new group of people finally starting to see the radical left’s various unseemly obsessions.

Choose NOT to participate in this newest manufactured crisis. Keep your eyes focused on the mandates dangling over us, hanging by fishing line. They’re the real threat."

And May 4:

"The CDC is keeping a friendly eye on you! Vice News ran an article yesterday headlined, 'CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders.'

According to the article, Vice’s FOIA request uncovered that the CDC paid controversial data broker SafeGraph $420,000 last year for access to a year of Americans’ 'anonymized' cell phone location data. The documents 'show that although the CDC used COVID-19 as a reason to buy access to the data more quickly, it intended to use it for more general CDC purposes.' SafeGraph’s cellular location data tracks where people live, work, and shows wherever they go. It also, for example, supplied the cell phone data used to create Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming movie about voter fraud, '2000 Mules.'

While the CDC initially said it 'urgently' needed the expedited data for pandemic tracking, such as checking how well people complied with lockdown orders and curfews, and how often they visited vaccinated sites, the documents obtained by Vice showed at least 21 OTHER ways the CDC wanted to use the data, including 'tracking patterns of those visiting K-12 schools by the school,' 'visits to parks, gyms, or weight management businesses,' 'population migration,' and bizarrely, 'examination of the effectiveness of public policy on [the] Navajo Nation.”

To check how 'anonymous' the data really is, Vice bought a small set of the “anonymized” data from SafeGraph and gave it to their data specialist to review. The specialist concluded that 'in my opinion the SafeGraph data is way beyond any safe thresholds [around anonymity].'

The CDC seems completely uninterested in tracking adverse vaccine events for the biggest vaccine rollout in its history, happy to rely on the antiquated VAERS system, but it DOES want to track YOU using the latest and greatest technology."

On the trend of "violence to the process" that now permeates our entire country and culture.



