
Kash Patel:

"Maybe now even the far-left lunatics will understand that there actually is a deep-state...The fact that it's hit the Supreme Court makes us look like the Banana Republic. What the hell is going on with our country right now?"

Coffee & Covid, May 6:

"The study’s conclusion: 'COVID19 vaccination can elicit a distinct T cell-dominant immune-mediated hepatitis with a unique pathomechanism associated with vaccination induced antigen-specific tissue-resident immunity requiring systemic immunosuppression.”

Gosh. What should we do? Are we still following the science anymore? It’s so hard to keep up with the rules.

I also note without comment that, according to Moderna’s November 2021 update, the drugmaker has been working on a new mRNA drug to treat… autoimmune hepatitis.

What does this all mean?

One possibility that could explain what we’re seeing is that the attenuated vaccine virus found in the "safe and effective" J&J shot could possibly be recombining with a similar latent virus in the human host, and instead of staying deactivated, it is becoming active and infectious. This mechanism is not unknown, it has been seen historically with other attenuated-virus vaccines. But if this is true, it would be MUCH WORSE with this adenovirus, because the dormant virus would be combining with the genetically-modified attenuated adenovirus WITH SPIKE PROTEIN ATTACHED.

This could lead to something like what April’s study in the Journal of Hepatology clinically referred to as “a unique pathomechanism” of disease. In other words, something we’ve never seen before. Something mysterious and baffling.

If this bears out, if the vaccines ARE recombining with latent viruses to produce new kinds of novel spiked variants of existing diseases, the covid vaccine experiment would be the greatest public health disaster of all time. Creating new types of Frankenstein spiked viruses, especially in kids, could not ever be morally justified by whatever murky benefits the covid vaccines might have produced. Just saying. Don’t cancel me.

In fact, it would be a public health disaster of such wild and unprecedented proportions that it might justify a wild and unprecedented distraction like, say, publishing a draft of a controversial Supreme Court opinion. Wouldn’t it?"

Read the full article with studies here

Northern Exposure, S3, E24



