
Celia Farber on the new WHO treaty and "globa-words."

"What is the 'world?'

What is 'health?'

Now, what could 'world health' possibly be?

What could that possibly be?

Let’s try some ideas out:

The whole world gets 'healthy' at once. Nobody gets sick from regional illnesses or malnutrition. Instead it’s always the big shiny next new pandemic. That’s what they get.


(Despite true illnesses always being regional.)

As soon as we have done away with national sovereignty, constitutional freedoms, and other forms of deadly, dangerous far-right garbage that may have held some appeal before the pandemic. If you’re a Pandemic Denier.

You see the play now—clearly, we all see it. All of this, all of the Covid lunacy, this typhoon of mental illness and battering propaganda was so that our minds would soften to the idea of a One World Government, New World Order, Great Reset, and/or Build Back Better. Central bank digital currency.

Only it didn’t work. Nobody understands what these NWO fantasies and fetisches are and nobody truly wishes to know.

We’re not worried about catching 'a virus.”

Read Farber's full Substack post HERE



