
Coffee and Covid, June 1, 2022:

“One-way masking,' the remarkable new way to live forever.

Notwithstanding all the science and facts showing mask mandates don’t work, to the point that even the New York Times agrees, CNN ran a story yesterday headlined, “CDC Defends Its Authority to Issue Transportation Mask Mandate in Brief Arguing for Reversal of Ruling That Blocked It.”

Setting aside for a moment the clever way CNN headlined it, the real story is that yesterday, the Biden Administration’s DOJ appealed the Florida judge’s stay of the CDC’s nearly-universally-hated airplane mask mandate. The brief relies heavily on the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the CMS mandate, arguing somewhat logically that if CMS can issue a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, then the CDC should have authority to issue a mask mandate for travelers, too.

Getting back to the headline, CNN must have realized that the travel mask mandate is a dead loser, so it framed the CDC’s appeal as a defense of “its authority” rather than as an attempt to restore the mask mandate. It pointed out that the DOJ hasn’t asked for any kind of emergency stay on the Florida court’s ruling, which it could have. So you can relax, this is just about the CDC preserving its FUTURE ability to use mask mandates if it needs to.

You trust the CDC, don’t you? It’s the gold standard.

Pediatric drug and alcohol-related deaths nearly doubled in 2020 and 2021. That’s kids under 17. Think about that. The experts did this.

Tragic increase in U.S. pediatric drug/alcohol-related deaths during the pandemic.

No reason to believe these numbers will return to 2019 level anytime soon.

Thanks, experts!"

All the kids and teenagers on the street are still wearing masks. The high schoolers, who are at no risk, and should be rebellious, remain masked voluntarily after being forced to wear them all day at school. You'd think they'd tear that shit off their faces the moment they existed the building, but no. Them keep it on.

This is the third summer in. New York City is muggy and hot. They could cherish their freedom and liberty any chance they get, but they don't. They walk around in large groups, all masked, all starring at their phones. Faces covered, mind controlled, bored. It's beyond depressing and infuriating. Sometimes I want to scream at them. Sometimes I just feel very sorry for them.

Masks are the new face. The new world order. The youngest are a lost cause. Lost to the authoritarian radical Left. Lost to fear. Lost to a total lack of interest or romance or élan. What are they living for, the Metaverse?

We are the last human generation.

Coffee and Covid some weeks back. I knew this would happen:

Meanwhile, I have been going to the movies and drinking in bars again (as much as I hate every business establishment for banning the unvaccinated for 7+ months) and slowly getting my life back. My new book, Time Tells, comes out in October. I've been working on the lay out with my new publisher, who may be the nicest, most supportive, unjaded person I've ever met.

I'll be damned if I ever live through what we have lived through ever again. Next time, it's war.



