“The music industry has been a psyop. Hollywood, too…The attorneys are compromised. When I tried to get help either from the a) police and later from b) attorneys NO ONE helped me. It was the Police CAPTAIN who handed me over to my abuser on a silver tray. There is literally no one who can help. We've seen via the Epstein case that the attorneys were gatekeepers.
BUT WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. A huge swell storm of anger and now real KNOWLEDGE has made it possible for people to stand outside a restaurant and BOO at Alan Dershowitz (just happened). Knowledge is power. These centuries-old secrets are tumbling out fast. It's time for us to spread awareness and keep ourselves and our families safe. Perhaps we will collectively come up with alternate solutions soon.”
*As we know, Marina Abramovic (and John Podesta) was hosting the same kinds of celebrity/politicians parties with the same human table settings. And of course her much discussed and celebrated spirit cooking work, which was always defended as “art,” as if art is just a neutral all-permissive generic category. For most liberals, it is. Art is anything we want it to be. Anything we’re told it is. Art as cover. I have written about this a lot on this blog, so people can always go through my archive. This post in particular (from my book Time Tells vol 2, forthcoming one day) discusses my theory of art as cover, not simply psyop.
Pre-Covid. The death cult medical cabal roundtable. A table of guests at the MoCA gala, 2011. As the Washington Post proudly reported, this gala was a “star studded” event.